My, oh my, Taylor Swift. Out of all the celebrities, it seems she’s criticized the most. Whether it’s her lack of vocal talent, her songs all sounding the same or the alleged fact she can’t maintain a solid relationship, America’s sweetheart can never win.
Despite your feelings toward her, I have come to learn there will be a time where you’ll need T-Swift and she will be there for you. Because I used to be a Swift hater, too.
Here is my story.
Swift “came on the scene” when I was a freshman in high school, also known as my glory days (totally kidding). I remember listening to “Our Song” and the next day discussing how great she was with my friend, Allison, in yoga class instead of doing tree pose. Sorry Ms. Cornell.
A couple weeks later, everyone knew who Taylor Swift was and as more songs came out, I started to dislike her. I, like many of her critics, believed all her songs sounded the same and she couldn’t sing.
However, I became a “born again” Swift fan when my last boyfriend and I started dating. I was certain that “Our Song” was written about us and when we would take a walk or watch the sunset, I’d call it a “Taylor Swift song” type of date.
And, in the midst of our break up later, I even said “Well, at least the Taylor Swift CD comes out on Monday!”
So you see, when you need Taylor Swift, she is there for you, even if you’re a non-believer. She will or probably already has a song that describes your life at some moment. And although I sometimes can’t listen to “If This Was a Movie,” because I get a little emotional, I know T-Swift will some day have a song about getting your first job in journalism.
Nonetheless, the way T-Swift is treated in regard to her breakups is not right. Swift is known for what almost seems like turning diary entries into songs. What do girls write about in their diary? Boys.
Although Swift told Glamour magazine in this past November’s issue that she “never discloses who her songs are about,” it is easy to tell who it is. For example, it would make sense if “Dear John” and “I Knew You Were Trouble” were about her relationship with John Mayer.
The media always has a frenzy over which song is about who. Pundits often joke about what her new single will be based on her recent breakup. Frankly, it’s ridiculous. I don’t find it wrong for her to use songs as a creative outlet for feelings.
Also, who cares who she is dating or who old the person is? If Swift wants to date someone five years younger than her, it’s her prerogative. When Swift and her high-profile boyfriend break up, it is always focused on her, not him. The media needs to stop giving her negative attention for dating so many guys. I can assure you the media isn’t giving the same kind of negative attention to male celebrities who date a lot of women.
All I ask is for the world to leave Taylor Swift alone. Let her write her songs and fall in love in peace. The time and energy we spend investing in her love life could be spent in better ways. And for all the haters, I promise you there will be a time where you’ll need a Taylor Swift song in your life.