The Prince George’s County Planning Board approved development plans Thursday for a student apartment complex and various retail outlets to be built on the Maryland Book Exchange property.
The four hour – and at times contentious – hearing attempted to resolve architectural design issues raised during the board’s Dec. 8 hearing. The major question was whether the design of R & J Co.’s proposed development coincided with the Route 1 Sector Plan, a detailed plan created last June outlining the architectural vision for the city’s future.
Opponents have said the proposed plan — which would add an additional 1,000 beds off-campus — does not comply with the plan because the six-story building would face a residential neighborhood on parts of Yale Avenue and College Avenue. Some opponents argued the side facing the residential neighborhoods should not exceed two or three stories.
Earlier this month the College Park City Council voted unanimously to reject the revised plans. Both District 2 Councilman Bob Catlin and District 3 Councilman Robert Day attended the hearing and spoke against to moving forward.
“Until the design issues came up, we had sufficient votes on the City Council to give a favorable recommendation,” Catlin said, after the hearing. “I’m not surprised at the outcome, but we’ll have to see the next steps we need to take.”