Eminem’s official return single and video – “Crack a Bottle” was just a taste – must be some sort of joke. It’s as if Marshall Mathers was reading a tabloid and decided to write a song. “We Made You” has no substance; it’s just Eminem rattling off a series of pop culture references: Bret Michaels’ Rock of Love, Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo, Star Trek – complete with Dre as Captain Kirk – Kim Kardashian, Sarah Palin, John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba and more. And then there’s (of course) his obligatory reference to his return to music. Relapse is out May 19.


It took what seemed like forever, but The Beatles’ entire catalog is finally getting a proper remastering and re-release. On Sept. 9 – also when The Beatles: Rock Band video game hits shelves – all 12 Beatles albums and two new box sets will hit stores in newly-minted audio. Each CD will feature new, but re-created, packaging with all sorts of goodies – including mini documentaries about the making of each album for most discs. Original Beatles producer George Martin showed the possibilities for remastered Beatles with Love, but now we’ll get to hear the original albums in the highest fidelity – minus vinyl – possible. Watch out for Sept. 9 – the record and video game industries may get a nice bump on what will be a very Beatles-centric day.