Raspberry chocolate chip cookies
Raspberries are kind of like Lay’s chips — we’d bet you can’t eat just one. But they’re not just dangerously addictive snacks — they add the perfect zip to a number of desserts. Fun fact: Researchers are currently investigating links between raspberries and obesity management. So they may be even better for you than you thought.
More Info About Them
Although raspberries will keep in the fridge for a few days at best, they freeze well (and make great smoothie starter that way). Personally, I think homegrown or pick-your-own farm raspberries are miles better than the ones you’ll find in the store. If you care to try it, both Butler’s Orchard and Larriland Farm have raspberry picking available this week.
What Did You Make With Them?
I stumbled across this raspberry chocolate chip cookie recipe and made (then ate) about three dozen of them. The recipe gives instructions for cookie dough from scratch. I can vouch for its amazing flavor, but if you don’t have the time or cooking utensils, working the raspberries and white chocolate chips into some Pillsbury dough will also work. If you somehow have leftovers after baking day, store them in the fridge or freezer to keep the berries fresh.
What Else Can You Do With Them?
For bakers who want more substantial food, there’s this raspberry chocolate coffee cake. My family usually goes a bit simpler, though, with quick raspberry freezer jam (no jar required—you can store it in any Tupperware). Once you’ve made it, you’ll never go back to store-bought. A similarly student-friendly raspberry sauce makes a great Saturday morning pancake drizzle. Or, if you need something quick, fill your raspberries with chocolate and continue eating them by the handful once it’s set.