This week was the week to watch LCS. Upsets are arguably one of the best types of games to watch, and there were two major ones this week.

IMT gets taken down

After a 12-game winning streak, the Immortals are finally … mortal. Counter Logic Gaming took them down in a close match that involved CLG’s Darshan and Xmithie backdooring IMT’s nexus. Xmithie stole Baron from IMT and it was downhill from there. As Huni tried to defend against Quinn and Adrian on Soraka, Darshan’s Fiora and Xmithie’s Udyr were just too much for him to handle. Of course, the rest of CLG did a phenomenal job keeping the rest of IMT busy so they couldn’t help out their top-laner.

G2 vs EL’s reaceful match

When G2 Esports and Elements played against each other Thursday, almost 20 minutes passed before either team could get first blood. EL Steve eventually got it on G2 Hybrid at 19:45, and the game ended at 36:29 with a meager total of 19 kills from both teams. G2 walked away with the victory, but the game was unsatisfying and bizarre. I mean, come on. Where’s the bloodshed?

Forg1ven to serve in Greek army

The ad-carry of H2K announced on Saturday in a heartbreaking interview that he will be unable to play in playoffs with the rest of his team after he received a letter calling him to serve in the Greek army. He stated that he won’t be able to play for about nine months, which can be detrimental to a professional player, as lots of things can shift around in the game in that time. This is particularly sad for Forg1ven, as he was unable to play the last time his team made it to playoffs due to a temporary ban due to toxicity. People are trying to find a way to let Forg1ven stay and avoid his draft, but nothing has been done yet.

Renegades snap their losing streak

The LA Renegades beat out Dignitas on Sunday, breaking their slump. While the team will more than likely be relegated due to its 2-12 score, it probably feels nice to win, especially because everyone is calling them the “Relegades.”

It’s also worth mentioning that LCS will be on a break this weekend, as IEM Katowice will be happening instead. LCS will resume March 10.

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Another note: Just because IMT lost one game doesn’t mean they’re bad.