The North American League of Legends Championship Series has been getting more and more hype as the games pass. I mean, the LA Renegades almost had a lead over the Immortals! Crazy, right? If you missed the games because you thought they were all going to be boring stomps, I have what you missed.

IMT Huni pentakill

Huni got to bring out his favorite obnoxious top-laner, Quinn, in Immortals’ game against Team Liquid. While TL got to open the gates by bringing out Udyr for the first time in competitive play this year, they still got stomped in an under-30-minute game. Huni ended the game 9/0/6 on Demacia’s Wings after getting his explosive pentakill in the enemy base. While he cast the pentakill, Phreak’s voice also cracked, which is always funny.

Echo Fox makes a comeback

Rick Fox’s League team has a hard time with its first split due to its starting players having visa issues. Now that the full roster has returned, FOX has gone 4-0 in the past two weeks. Kfo brought out the Kayle top and Froggen went perfect on Gangplank. While the team isn’t expecting first place due to its rough start, they believe they can take down the high-ranked teams in their upcoming matches.

Kog’Maw + attack speed + peel = X

X is equal to godlike. The spitting void monster has made his (its?) return to LCS this week, being played in extreme protect team compositions. With his high attack speeds, people are trying to use him while they can. A recent public beta patch shows that the void puppy will be getting a huge attack speed nerf in the future.

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And remember, just because Huni can flank as Quinn and come out with a pentakill doesn’t mean you can, too.