I have been writing this column for quite some time

And I’ve always wanted to do

one entirely in rhyme.

The rigors of a semester leave

few minutes for concentration

So I decided to write this

during winter vacation.

It’s a time to make

a new year’s resolution.

Getting in shape at the gym

is one solution,

But before you work out

for abs as hard as rock

Here are some people to know

so there is no shock.

Sweaty Guy schvitzes

like a pig in summer

If sweat was gasoline,

he could fill up a Hummer

His work ethic should be admired

and cannot be beat

But follow him on a machine?

First wipe down the seat.

Headphone Guy walks oblivious,

buds in his ears

Maybe he’s listening to Kanye,

maybe it’s Tears for Fears

Regardless, his quiet intensity

makes him look maniacal

When he sings to what’s playing,

he’s no American Idol.

Some people work out their quads,

some people their bums.

Talking Guy, on the other hand,

prefers to flap his gums

If you’re in the middle of a set,

Talking Guy really gets in your craw

You’re sore all over tomorrow

but he’s only sore in his jaw.

Regarding mouths, Gallon Jug Guy

strengthens his enamel

Gulping water like the gym’s

a desert and he’s a camel

In other settings, Gallon Jug Guy

would be out of place

After finishing off his water,

to the bathroom he must surely race.

The mirror on the wall

is the object of Posing Guy’s delight

He would have no problem

flexing for himself all night

He tries playing it off subtly,

tries to act inconspicuous

But everyone notices Posing Guy

and thinks he’s just ridiculous.

Fashion at the gym ranges

from tights to khaki

Hat Guy, however,

easily is the most wacky

He wears a needless accessory;

he might as well be sporting lead

At the gym, after all,

it’s fine to have bed head.

Down fast, up slow:

this is Bad Form Guy’s motto

When he finishes his set

you’d think he just won the lotto

Slow and steady wins the race,

as the tortoise proved to the hare;

In his current regimen,

Bad Form Guy will get a muscle tear.

You may have noticed in this list

a glaring omission

But excluding women

was an executive decision

The problem is pretty obvious,

I suppose

Every girl is a Gym Girl

and Gym Girl wears little clothes.

For men, you’d think

this would be a special thing

But even if she wore a sweater,

a guy would still be imagining

So don’t be surprised

if every third guy you see

Walks with his head to the side

like he has a neck injury .

So there you have it –

your own personal gym tour

Should you decide to work out

don’t forget to stretch before

There is one more to avoid,

the worst of the bunch

Don’t watch me exercise

or you just might lose your lunch.

Danny Jacobs is a senior journalism major. He can be reached at jacobs@umd.edu.