After spending two months behind bars awaiting trial on murder charges, English lecturer Joanna Findlay was released on bond over winter break but will not resume her teaching responsibilities this semester.

Although Findlay’s trial date has not yet been scheduled, Findlay’s lawyer, John Ray, said he expects it will take place in June. He added Findlay will plead not guilty to all charges: second-degree murder, first-degree assault and use of a handgun in a violent crime.

Findlay’s family members posted her $100,000 bail at the end of December, a month after Ray convinced a judge to grant her bail on the condition of pretrial supervision at a Nov. 24 hearing.

Findlay was charged with second-degree murder in connection with the Oct. 30 shooting death of her husband, Gary Trogdon, in their Hollywood, Md., home.

Lea Chartock, who directs the English department’s Professional Writing Program, declined to comment on whether Findlay is still employed by the department, but Findlay’s classes — two courses in junior English — were reassigned to other instructors this semester, according to Testudo. Findlay’s name still appears on the Professional Writing Program’s website, the English department faculty directory and the university directory.

Ray said he spoke recently with Findlay and reported she was “doing well” while living in her St. Mary’s County home with her mother, who traveled to the state from Scotland to support her until after the trial.

Findlay could not be reached for comment.

villanueva at umdbk dot com