“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”

– Anonymous

This has been the most exciting Democratic primary election in recent Maryland history, and student votes have blipped higher in response. Unfortunately, it’s little more than a moral victory – student turnout still remained extremely depressed, failing to create a block of votes capable of influencing all but the most razor-thin election. Despite the historic nature of this election, the university vote essentially had no impact.

A higher turnout would have prevented the continued gripes that the university doesn’t have true political representation. But to blame apathy would be easy, irresponsible and incorrect. Does any honest observer truly believe students will not take 15 minutes out of their day if they think it could help improve safety or stabilize tuition costs? Students were failed in this case by incredibly timid voter registration and mobilization efforts, as well as politicians who have all but ignored university issues.

There is so much untapped potential for politicians on the campus. A sharp candidate could gain a huge voting block in the student body, but instead progress is burdened by the stereotype that students do not vote. This attitude is precisely why students don’t – they are ignored by the politicians, who have merely created a self-fulfilling prophesy. If candidates spent more time around the university, they could have engaged in a debate of ideas and actually excited the student body. Instead, the university saw little else besides the occasional handshake run and tailgate party.

The Student Government Association, however, has been the greatest disappointment. Politicians may simply just not consider the issues of the university politically important, but it is the job of the SGA to motivate and mobilize. Student issues are their issues. Yet, the SGA had a horribly minimal role, if any, in this current election – starting voter registration late and completely giving up on mobilization efforts.

It’s a miracle some students turned out at all. The blip witnessed this election was probably almost entirely due to the efforts of students themselves to get educated. Imagine how different the results could have been if they had help.

Our view: It is hypocritical for politicians to write off the college vote when they don’t even make the attempt to connect with students.