Time to say goodbye

Even in the midst of our busy college schedules, we take breaks all the time. We take breaks when we study, we take breaks from work and we take breaks from College Park when we go home for a weekend. So why is that we think that breaks in relationships are always a bad thing?

Many of us think of breaks as the closest thing to a break-up, but in reality, sometimes a break can save a relationship. Every relationship is going to have hard times, stressful moments and bad weeks. If we can accept this notion, then why can’t we wrap our heads around the fact that sometimes we just need a break in love?

Now, a break doesn’t have to mean not talking for a month, it could be as simple as a week or maybe just taking a day to yourself. The reality is that sometimes we need time to just breathe and be a little selfish for a while. We get so caught up in our relationships that we often forget about ourselves.

If you find yourself contemplating a break-up, a break could be your answer. Sometimes all you need is just some alone time to clear your head and help you realize it was just a bad week, not a bad relationship.

However, if you find yourself wanting to take a break very often because you are that exhausted from your relationship, then it is probably time to end it — for good. A relationship full of problems is just going to stress you out. Trust me when I say that there is a better relationship for you out there.

Remember: Love should make you feel good, not bad, and if your relationship is constantly zapping your energy, then it’s probably not the right relationship for you. At that point stop taking breaks from your relationship and just finalize the break-up.

For many of us, the concept of a break seems scary or daunting, but taking some time to yourself will never hurt you, only help you. When it comes to love sometimes it is as simple as some stress-free alone time. Just remember, a relationship is about whether or not YOU are happy so make sure to keep yourself your number one priority in love.