My three years at the university have changed my life. As you may already know, my history with the SGA has been an interesting one. Last year, I lost in the election for the position of senior vice president. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life. I wanted to serve my community and felt that my opportunity was denied; 53 votes prevented me from my goal, a number that is less than 1 percent of the voting population. As it turns out, my loss was a blessing in disguise. It helped me gain the experience and passion needed to be student body president.
I still believe the Student Government Association has the ability to change and improve the lives of students on this campus. The fact that I still have the strength as a person to get up again and work twice as hard a second time around for the university proves that I will show this campus the character and spirit of myself and the rest of the CONNECT Party. My experience leading the university’s chapter of the NAACP, the oldest social justice and civil rights organization in the United States, has taught me more about leading the SGA than anything the other candidates have done. I have experience dealing with a national organization with its own regulations while having a campus agenda that requires balance and advocacy – a combination that will mirror our experience of lobbying the administration next year. I have built coalitions on this campus that are unparalleled, and my journey has prepared me to serve. My qualifications make me the only person for the position; everything that I have been through has led to this moment, this year and this ticket. I have executive leadership experience, one of the most valuable things I bring to this ticket and to this campaign.
With the support and experience of the CONNECT ticket, I am ready to take on our students’ issues and produce the results that we deserve. Our ticket is one that reflects every sector of the campus, and we will work hard to continue to be a truly accurate voice of the student body. I have walked in the shoes of the freshman who is trying to find where he or she fits in, the sophomore who now has their close group of friends and the junior who is tirelessly leading their community. The disconnect that exists right now between the SGA and the student body is unacceptable, and I am ready to bring it together again. I am your next student body president, and I am the strongest person to lead this campus community and bring it to the next level. My love for this campus is unwavering and it drives me to work for the place that has given me so much. Let’s change it up, let’s get it done and let’s renew our connection to the SGA. If true passion, real leadership and proven experience are what you want, vote CONNECT!
Wanika Fisher is one of four candidates running for Student Government Association president. She can be reached at