LCS hasn’t been the most exciting lately, as it seems really predictable who will win and lose games. Immortals and G2? They’ll probably win. Renegades and ROCCAT? They’ll probably lose. If you fell asleep during this week’s games, I have a recap hot and ready for you.

xPeke returns (Kind of)

The legendary back-dooring mid-laner returns to the stage as a temporary coach for his team, Origen. Origen’s coach stepped down, so xPeke has taken his place. He noted that this will be temporary and they’re searching for a new coach because he wants to play soon. (He and PowerofEvil are both listed as mid-laners for OG, but PoE has been the starter for the past five weeks.) The Twitch chat flooded with “SEXPEKE” every time the camera panned over to his supremely handsome face.

Baron steals galore

NRG Esports’ top-laner, Impact, told Baron against Counter Logic Gaming and G2’s Kikis stole Baron against H2K. Both Barons were stolen by a Malphite, and while G2’s steal led them to victory, NRG still lost. (What is it about Malphite that makes Baron steals so easy?)

Immortals now 10-0

They really are immortal. Cloud9 came pretty close to beating Immortal on Sunday, but WildTurtle’s rampage on Kalista couldn’t be stopped. With an all-star team featuring former Fnatic players Reignover and Huni, former CLG mid-laner, Pobelter, former Team Impulse support, Adrian, and WildTurtle from Team SoloMid, it seems like they can’t be stopped.

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And remember, just because a pro can steal Baron easily, doesn’t mean you should dive into the enemy team and try to do the same.