DBK Crime

A fourth North Campus dorm was hit with a string of robberies Wednesday. 

Several Ellicott Hall residents reported a suspicious man entering dorm rooms, according to a University Police news release. When officers arrived, a student pointed out the suspect, who was attempting to leave the building.

The man, who has been identified as 33-year-old Sentayehu Negussie of Rockville, fled on foot but was soon arrested by police, according to the release. A student at the scene identified Negussie as the man seen in Ellicott Hall. 

Negussie, who has no ties to the university, has been charged with burglary, theft and trespassing in connection with two of the five Ellicott reports, the release said. 

Police have not yet determined if Negussie has any connection to the incidents reported in Cumberland, Centerville and Denton halls, according to the release.