1. The snake charmer:
You know those Chuck Norris jokes that are all the rage these days? Well let me assure you, it’s Mr. Norris who wears Sam Jackson boxer shorts, not the other way around.
2. Sequels on a plane:
The trouble with trying to survive being trapped in an airborne tin can with dozens of bloodthirsty, venomous, ill-tempered reptiles is that you can’t. Here’s to hoping Sam and the gang beat the odds to make future installments Snakes on a Train and the slightly less horrifying Snakes in a Zoo.
3. A nip and a tuck:
After the Internet buzz reached an early crescendo months ago, studio execs ordered last-minute alterations in order to make this big-budget B-movie even more slithery. The result: more Samuel L., more snakes and more planes! (Well, still only one plane, I imagine).
4. Direct titles kick ass:
Were you disappointed when you saw sweet-sounding movies such as Man on Fire or Monster’s Ball? Fear not, Snakes on a Plane is not some clever metaphorical title for a Garden State-type flick. There will be snakes.
5. The website:
SoaP’s website can make a dream come true: Log on and you can arrange for Samuel L. to call a friend and tell them to join you in seeing, what he says, might be the greatest film of all time! Then, if you’re anything like me, you repeat, having Sammy this time call Domino’s, your office or your professors. High comedy for prank-calling pleasure.