Lo and behold, here it is: The first edition of The Diamondback’s new special insert, “Sex in College Park.” Our newspaper’s other inserts focus on a variety of different topics – from football to restaurants and bars to university salaries – but with “Sex in College Park,” we’re hoping to shine a light (no, not a Fleshlight) on the more intimate side of the student experience. A collection of news, opinion and entertainment, this insert will be an annual endeavor meant to illuminate trends in the sensual and sexual behaviors of our classmates, our friends and ourselves.

With this first issue, we’ve investigated the phenomenon of porn addiction and exactly how much is too much; spoken to students about their opinions on how Trojan rated our University Health Center and sex-education efforts; looked into sex toys marketed toward students; and chatted with Alli Matson, the University Health Center’s sexual health program coordinator, about how students can protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

We also have lists of the three best and worst sex scenes in cinema, as well as a piece from columnist Esti Frischling about whether or not to snoop around in your partner’s phone when you think he or she may be cheating.

Although we could never cover every aspect of our campus community with this first edition of “Sex in College Park,” we’re hoping you enjoy what we came up with – and we’re looking forward to bringing you more coverage throughout the rest of this semester and the school year on the lusty, lascivious and loving behavior of our student body. As Salt-N-Pepa so wisely put it, “Let’s talk about sex, baby” – after all, we’re having it, aren’t we?

Roxana Hadadi is a senior journalism major, managing editor of The Diamondback and responsible for the “Sex in College Park” special insert this year. She can be reached at roxanadbk@gmail.com.