University Police responded to reports of a suspicious person, vandalism and a fight, among other incidents this past week, according to police reports.

Disorderly conduct

On Friday at 1:45 a.m., University Police responded to the 4500 block of College Ave. for a reported fight. Officers attempted to separate the two individuals, who were shoving each other back and forth. In the process of being split up, one of the fighters resisted, yelling at officers and attempting to break free of restraint.

Police were eventually able to arrest and charge the unruly individual, whom they identified as 22-year-old Dylan Anthony Mallard of Lanham. He was intoxicated at the time of the arrest, University Police spokeswoman Rosanne Hoaas said.

University Police also responded Saturday at 1:37 a.m. to South Campus Commons 2 for a report of a disorderly individual. The perpetrator, a man who has no affiliation with the university, entered a party in someone’s apartment without permission, then became confrontational, Hoaas said.

The man made threats against other people in the room and eventually left. Police found him near Commons 3 and issued him an immediate denial of access to campus property, meaning he will be arrested if he steps onto the campus before successfully appealing.

Suspicious person

On Friday at 10:56 a.m., University Police responded to 8000 Boteler Lane for a report of a suspicious person. A female university student reported that, while she was on a Shuttle-UM bus, a man made sexual comments and gestures toward her. When she got off the bus, the man followed her.

The victim went to the clubhouse near Courtyards to report the incident and notified police. Officers searched the area but could not locate the man, Hoaas said.

This case remains open, and officers plan to review area cameras for more evidence.


During a walkthrough of the engineering school on Saturday at 8:28 a.m., University Police noticed a cable was hanging from the ceiling. They later determined someone had ripped this wire out of a camera, Hoaas said.

Police plan to follow up with building staff as the investigation continues.

University Police responded to the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity on Tuesday at 12:20 a.m. for a vandalism report. The man who reported it heard a noise and discovered a broken exterior window when he went to investigate.

Review of cameras in the area did not yield any helpful results. This case remains active.