Happy Hunger Games?
Brace yourself, class registration is coming.
This race to the finish line of the perfect class schedule is nothing but survival of the fittest. Weak fingers during the frantic clicking and typing will only slow you down, and that hamster spinning the wheel for your Internet connection better be in shape.
Expectations are high in the beginning, as you outline your ideal class schedule in hopeful anticipation. You even outline it in Sharpie because you are just that confident. Next semester will be your semester!
Comparing registration dates is like comparing lunch boxes in the third grade. Early dates in the first week of registration battle really are the Lunchables of the bunch. You register next week? Sorry, your fruit cup sucks.
It’s 10 minutes to your mediocre registration time, and you’re jogging in place to prepare. All your mock schedules and preferred classes await your referral as you swiftly and nervously click away at Testudo. Suddenly, your time has arrived, and the gates have opened. Release the Kraken!
You refresh the page, and half your chosen classes are full and the other half are slowly shunning you. You shuffle through your 12 different schedules and try to best match the remaining slots. First-world problems.
In a desperate attempt to keep yourself from unintentionally dropping out of school, you sign up for that econ class you were putting off and that swimming class that would get you through senioritis. You then spend the next few days sulking in your 8 a.m. misery and combining leftover class times in your head.
After composing yourself and wiping away the bitter, waitlist tears, there is no sponsor to send you magic medicine and tools to mend your broken schedule. Much to your dismay, you sit back down and attempt to construct a semester that won’t leave you nocturnal in order to be alert for early morning classes.
You feel you just participated in the Hunger Games, and you now wait in sweaty anticipation as your university ID is slipped back into the lottery. Happy class registration, and may the odds be ever in your favor.