“I am easily satisfied by the very best.”
– Winston Churchill
Longtime state delegate Pauline Menes has vacated her seat and opened the floodgates to a slew of Democratic hopefuls. Out of the field of competitors, three candidates – Joseline Peña-Melnyk, Mike Sarich and Ben Barnes – have distinguished themselves.
Peña-Melnyk has stood out the most, running an independent campaign that has taken off on a grass-roots level. Being passed up by senatorial candidate Jim Rosapepe for a position on his slate now appears to be a blessing: Peña-Melnyk has done impressive fundraising and is able to position herself as free of the “old boy’s network” of political maneuverings and special interests. And that certainly rings true. Peña-Melnyk has impressed with her fierce passion and clear intelligence. Even better, she is thoroughly educated on and supportive of student issues. As a College Park City Council member, her first act was to support a proposal freezing tuition.
Sarich, currently a member of the Laurel City Council, is uniquely positioned to identify with and promote student interests. As both an undergraduate and graduate alumnus of the university, Sarich has campaigned for a dedicated source of funding for the university to minimize the drastic and often unexpected swings in tuition students have seen in recent years. Sarich is also in support of securing funding for the foundation of a College Park police force to address safety issues around the campus, and his experience with a successful city police force in Laurel would probably prove beneficial.
Barnes is a talented politician whose connections inside Annapolis bode well for his ability to pass legislation and be recognized on a statewide level. Barnes is personally close with state Senate President Mike Miller and should be able to leverage this relationship for the district’s benefit. Despite lacking a legislative record, Barnes has spoken clearly on issues dear to students. He has acknowledged the many problems plaguing Route 1, the necessity of securing higher education funding and the need to establish a College Park police force.
An important note to consider regardless of who is elected would be the dynamic between the state delegates and other local politicians. State Sen. John Giannetti and Dels. Brian Moe and Barbara Frush’s inability to even discuss issues has been a black mark on this district and a repeat of this must be avoided at all costs. Nonetheless, the delegate race has been vigorous, interesting and filled with an unusual amount of political talent. The Diamondback considers Peña-Melnyk, Sarich and Barnes to be the best bet not only for students, but for the constituents of District 21.
Our view: Joseline Peña-Melnyk, Mike Sarich and Ben Barnes are the most likely candidates to further the interests of the district and university.