The Residence Hall Association worked vigorously to improve campus policy last semester and has continued to brainstorm how to further improve policy in the spring semester.

In response to university President Dan Mote signing the Amethyst Initiative, a document supporting dialogue about alcohol use on college campuses, the university hosted an alcohol summit in October. To continue these conversations, the RHA has been planning another series of Amethyst dialogues, which will begin in February.

In addition to continuing dialogues about alcohol on the campus, the RHA will also be deliberating on amnesty issues, such as the Good Samaritan Policy, and topics involving spring break alcohol abuse and the effects of alcohol on academics and physical health.

While the RHA will be busy discussing the many issues revolving around alcohol, it also hopes to make progress on the parking situation at hand. Last semester, the Department of Transportation Services released projections that indicated a shortage of parking spaces in the next few years, which would require some students to forfeit their parking privileges. In response, the RHA hopes to draft a solution to this problem to aid those students who might be affected by this shortage.

Additionally, the RHA will be monitoring the success of the focus date pilot program that’s in progress. The RHA was pleased to work with the Department of Dining Services to make opting out of focus dates an option for everyone, and is excited to review the results of this option.

Throughout the history of the RHA, “going green” has always been a top priority. As a result, the RHA is looking forward to this semester’s Recyclemania and is eager to be involved in a movement dedicated to making the campus more environmentally friendly.

As always, housing issues will also be a topic of discussion. With the construction of the South Campus Commons 7 building underway, the RHA will be working with the Department of Resident Life on all the specific planning involved in introducing it. The RHA will also be busy finishing up the first year of the Mixed Gender Housing pilot program, and will begin planning for next year’s program.

And so, while last semester was quite successful, the RHA is looking forward to accomplishing even more this spring. The RHA is always open to any comments or suggestions regarding campus policies and practices, so please feel free to contact the senators that represent your hall or area, or e-mail the executives at If you would like to learn more about the RHA, please visit our website at and our blog at

Alicia Hartlove is the RHA’s public relations officer. She can be reached at