Happy Valentine’s Day

Being single on Valentine’s Day can be tough. But, as our columnists explain, it doesn’t have to be – the meaning of Cupid’s favorite holiday can be different for different people. 

Columnist Erik Shell explains that for singles, the focus of Valentine’s Day should be “discovering who you are and learning to love what you find.”

[ READ MORE: Single? Love yourself ]

Columnist Maggie Cassidy argues that singles who complain about Valentine’s Day “need to realize they can celebrate the holiday with people they love in a nonromantic way.”   

[ READ MORE: Single? Don’t be mopey ]

And columnist Ezra Fishman shares his personal take: Whether you’re single or in a relationship, Valentine’s Day is just another day.

“I genuinely love the idea of a day when romance and love are celebrated. But there’s no reason for this day to be Feb. 14. The entire world doesn’t need to celebrate love on the same day. In my experience, the best celebrations of love are specific to the people involved. 

[ READ MORE: Just another day ]

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day. And don’t forget to read editor in chief Mike King’s week in review, Alex Huss’ letter to the editor, and our Storify recap of Thursday’s big snow day.