The editorial board, two columnists and a cartoonist share their takes on both this university’s data breach and President Obama’s recent decision to change the NSA monitoring program.

Cartoonist Ashley Zachery drew about the NSA and its collection of selfies.

NSA activity

The editorial board comments on President Obama’s altered stance and program plan for the NSA monitoring.

[ READ MORE: NSA reforms for the better ]

Columnist Maria Romas wrote about why people shouldn’t care if the NSA can access their information, as everyone’s information is already so accessible.

[ READ MORE: Government knowledge: Who cares? ]

Columnist Kevin Hogan wrote about a complete lack of anonymity that comes with today’s technological advancements, taking a way a large chunk of our privacy.

[ READ MORE: Losing Our Hold on Privacy ]

Editor in chief Mike King reviews the spring semester’s eighth week.

[ READ MORE: From the editor: Spring Week 8 in Review ]