Three tips for getting through Steny Hoyer’s UMD commencement address Another year, another bad commencement speaker. Max Foley-Keene April 24, 2020
Voters deserve better than the current Democratic primary debate format Democratic primary debates are too long and not relevant enough Maya Rosenberg February 23, 2020
Nurse practitioners are not the answer to America’s primary care crisis America needs more doctors. Nurse practitioners can't replace them. Kevin Hu February 11, 2020
Medicare for All is bad politics and even worse policy If they want to win, Democrats should avoid a Medicare for All candidate. David Gordon February 3, 2020
D.C.’s high maternal mortality rate shows an urgent need for hospital access Pregnancy shouldn't be so deadly in Southeast Washington, D.C. Caterina Ieronimo November 19, 2019
Local women’s health representatives talk sexual health at SGA-hosted panel "The more we talk about it, the more people will know about it.” Freelance Reporter November 19, 2019
The Democratic Party is taking LGBTQ voters for granted Why aren't LGBTQ issues talked about at the Democratic debates? Liyanga de Silva October 18, 2019
Stricter sentencing laws won’t address Baltimore’s crime problem Hogan wants to be tougher on violence in Baltimore. Its problems are deeper than that. Liyanga de Silva August 14, 2019
Elizabeth Warren isn’t the left-winger she’s made out to be Warren is seen as a progressive, but she doesn't deserve the left's votes. J-P Teti June 18, 2019
Barath Srinivasan wants to channel George Washington in his run for UMD SGA president He's running as the sole member of his ticket. Arya Hodjat April 15, 2019