Forgettable and stale
The Slideshow Effect, dream-pop duo Memoryhouse’s first full-length album, is a pinpoint accurate title, for better or worse. Washing over you like a…
Faculty assail state’s Purple Line plan
By Nathan CohenStaff writer University senators yesterday blasted the state’s plan to run a light-rail train down Campus Drive, using rhetoric that appeared to rally…
Panel of artists, dancers discuss overcoming discrimination
Rita Moreno, who played Anita in "West Side Story," served on a panel to discuss entering the film industry in the 1950s and ’60s as a nonwhite professional in the arts.
Second film in Machete trilogy is even more mischievous than the first
“Danny Trejo (Pendejo) is perfect as Machete Cortez, the Mexican agent who is the deadliest man on earth with a machete. Machete stabs first…